
YOUTH by Samuel Ullman (13 April 1840- 21 March 1924) Youth is not a time of life; It is a state of mind; It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; It is […]

诗中的思念 Longing in the Poem

诗中的思念 – 乐飞 于2008年 寒窗 被晚风轻轻地推响 梅的疏影 摇碎了一帘的月光 藏在诗中的思念 悄然窥望 似乎听见 心灵的寂寞声 珠落玉盘 ***** 寂夜 凝固了心灵的忧伤 泪眼紧握的素笺 将墨池里浸润的思念 写成没有标点的诗行 海枯不变,地老天荒 ***** 春天 仅是一个童话的绽放 冰雪的世界 掩没了石头的梦想 枫红被南雁衔走 月亮被霜天埋藏 风中伫立 等待着 一双眸子的星光 划过寒冬的晚上 Longing in the Poem by Le Fei 2008 translated by Hsing Chou 2013 window at cold night rattled by evening wind trying to come […]

Fading Stars 残星

残星 – 周昕 北国正是春光好, 南澳天凉景色清。 繁忙世界多过客, 宁静江山少知音。 *** 徒有华发度浮生, 仍无锦衣示乡亲。 欲腾红霞留落日, 空对青冥点残星。 Fading Stars – Hsing Chou My homeland in the north is in spring so bright Scenery of Australia, my new homeland, becomes cooler and fair In northern busy world people passing by out of my sight Yet in this quiet southern country my […]

Old Pine and New Moon老松新月

Old Pine and New Moon by Hsing Chou I was a never contented wanderer Struggle till now and settled for poor Travelled many places on one way roads Why pathways always look familiar *** An old pine tree stands straight ahead Half crescent moon rising fades stars away Waken up among flowers after drunk Washed […]

估客行(英译)Journey of Merchant

“Travelling the Silk Road: Ancient Pathway to the Modern World” is an exhibition developed by the American Museum of Natural History, New York and is now showing at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra Australia. The remarkable presentation of various cultural artifacts, textiles, musical instruments, raw materials and finished products depict the greatest trading […]

秋风词(英譯) Autumn Wind Tune

【唐】李白词 周昕英譯摄影 秋风清 秋月明 落叶聚还散 寒鸦栖复惊 相亲相见知何日 此时此夜难为情 入我相思门 知我相思苦 长相思兮长相忆 短相思兮无尽极 早知如此绊人心 何如当初莫相识 何如当初莫相识 by Li Bai【Tang Dynasty】 Translation and Photogarph by Hsing Chou Autumn wind is fresh Autumn moon is bright Falling leaves gathered and scattered Trembling crows perched and startled When will we meet and be intimate again? This moment tonight I […]

My Impression of Policemen 警察印象

by Xiang Ping     “I picked up one cent from the roadside, hand it over to a policeman……” When I first heard this popular children’s song in China, I had past my childhood. Nowadays, I occasionally hum it, and feel amused by the memories of my life experience with policemen. I grew up in the […]

Appreciation 感恩

Chinese Translation by Feng Quan English Author Unknown I’ve been teaching now for over fifteen years and still haven’t found a  way to prepare for the last day of the school year.   The first day of school always begins with anxiety and nervousness as each  student, and myself, find their place in our little […]

Cocoon 茧

Chinese Translation by Feng Quan English Author Unknown A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole.Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had […]

骤雨打新荷(英譯) Sudden Rain Drums on Lotus Fresh

骤雨打新荷 【金】元好问 词 周昕 英譯 摄影 绿叶阴浓 遍池亭水阁 偏趁凉多 海榴初绽 朵朵蹙红罗   乳燕雏莺弄语 有高柳鸣蝉相和 骤雨过 琼珠乱撒 打遍新荷   人生百年有几? 念良辰美景 休放虚过 穷通前定 何用苦张罗   命友邀宾玩赏 对芳樽浅酌低歌 且酩酊 任他两轮日月 来往如梭 Sudden Rain Drums on Lotus Fresh by Yuan Haowen【Jin Dynasty】 Translation and Photogarph by Hsing Chou Green leaves densely shade Over the pond and pavilion Much […]

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